By Duane The Great Writer
“In the Beginning (This is Not a madeup 'story' like the Holy TapLining Works of Sacrificial Religions) of This CreationBubble, THE ISSSNISSS ALLLIFEIS, provided vast numbers of CreationBubble for UNawareSouls (Specks of Awareness ~ YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss that created the PersonalYou) to enter into, and to GoThru the Huge Process of Creating in Creation, until The NUMoment would come that each unaware little 'soul' could BecomeNU & MorrreAware! ALL of US have been thru So Much, and NowIS The NUMoment to Decide to SeeeBeyond ALL of Cause&Effect Creation into The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom where there 'IS' NO Restrictions&Authorities Ever! In This CreationBubble, You use Your FiveBodies to relate to as Your 'reality' Here, and this is fine, as long as You want to Stay UNaware of The ReALLL UNUversisss and be Subservient to the Ruling WorldKontrollers and their Kalaum God Grog in the AstralMental DementiaDimensions Arenas of Reptilian Alien TapLinerS-RATS, this is Your Choice! Everyone can have&do whatever they want in This CreationBubble, and they can stay Here as long as they want and Worship&Pray, Grovel&Beg, Chase Thrills&Sensationalizm, and even be Your Own God, if You like! At the start of This CreationBubble, The ReALLL UNUversal Guides, whose StandReALLL with The TruReality ALLLifeIS~ALLLISSS, did their share of Creating RealOpportunities for the unaware souls to have The RealKnowledge of ALLL, and this was done in many different ways. As Time&Events went on, and this is for Eons&Eons, what The RealGuides had provided always became Slanted&Distorted by Those who did not want to Support The ALLNatural Environment with ALLLevels&Dimensions, but rather Decided to TakeOver Planets and KontrolOthers! So, from ALL that has taken place with This CreationBubble so far, a Huge UnSeeen Demise has been building to where This Planet Earth and Other RoundWorlds in This Realm and Other Realms&Dimensions is Entirely Infected with Reptilian Alien TapLinerS-RATS who have Poisoned Everything Here! YOU ARE IN THEIR DIMENSIONAL MATRIXXX! The 'latest version' of The RealGuides Presentation had been when Paul Twitchell created 'Eckankar' with REBISAR & The RealGuides in 1965. PALL was then & ISNOW a RealGuide with ALLLISSS. PALL&DU (Duane Heppner Body Here) was to Present Something MorreReALLL than anything Here before. When PALL left This Dimension, there were those who were given an opportunity to 'do something' but instead, they Decided to try and create for themselves Only! This has been the lives of Darwin Gross & Harold Klemp (Joanee&Harry Klump of EEKONkon) and since the day PALL left, has been TakenOver by Their Mistress, Reptilian Joanee & The Kalaum God Influence! Most UNaware People will Not Seee This, as they would rather 'cater' to their PersonalSelf for PersonalSatisfaction! Worshiping&Prayer, beliefs, doctrines&documents, constitutions, faiths, hopes, politics, religions, spiritual paths&teachings, masters&gurus, business&science, kings&queens, and whatever else has been Created Here, is of this Simulated DimensionalBubble Only! Everything on This Planet Earth is 'infected' with Reptilian TapLinerS! (Seee ~ 'PIZZA DOUGH' by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER on Facebook) ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR&DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEEMORRRE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide ALLLifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of Appearances!...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a Skype NUGroup. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WEE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL & WEE REDUALLL (REBISAR&DUANEVA&PALL) for Everyone Here! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ Wednesdays 9PM Pacific Time USA on Facebook with Conference Call Call-ins (720)740.9635 (access code:4901769) with Tim Von Pinnon to Listen & Talk with US. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World with DEW & Laser Blasting the SUN!
Duane The Great Writer is making HimSelf Available for Those who want to KnowMorrre & SeeeMorrre & BeeeMorrre than just having another ‘ordinary’ unaware life on This Purposely Poisoned Planet! Create Your NU’Seee’sion with Duane The Great Writer and D’IS’cusss any topic You Like! Here IS Some Examples to D’IS’cusss… Personal, Financial, Relationships, Dreams, Government, 5G, GMO, ChemTrails, Vaccines, HAARP, Military, Secret Service, Spying, Subliminal TapLining, Conspiracy, Angels, Gods, Fairys, Ghosts, Aliens, Reptilians, Religious, Spiritual, Governments, Monarchy, and anything that pertains to what You are Experiencing in This CreationBubble. And Also… The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom! Learn to Get Your Own Answers! NU’SEEE’SIONS Start at: 30 Minutes @ $1 (One US Dollar into PayPal) a Minute and can be as much time as needed. (and Yes, the way DUANU Writes His NUWords Refers to Something Morrre than what is known Here, and this is where You Decide to Recogn’IS’e What IS ReALLL Now with ALLLife or continue on as You have with just another PersonalLife in an Aging BodyForm). Contact: KEVIN SMITH UK & DEAN VAL on Facebook&YouTube.An Official NuPresentation Club is now available, the NuAwarenISSS Club. Membership to which is 1 dollar per month through paypal. Click on the NuAwarenISSS WebSite link at the top of the page, and from there navigate to the forum site.
The RealWakeUp Now. Creation.
Part 1
The RealWakeUp Now. Creation.
Part 2
© 2019